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The Dr. Jacob Bolotin Award
Letter of Recommendation Form
Thank you for your support of the Dr. Jacob Bolotin Awards program.
Please complete the form below to submit your letter of recommendation in support of the award nominee. Recommendations cannot exceed 800 words. You will not be able to submit your recommendation if the maximum word count exceeds 800 words.
Please note that recommendations should come from someone other than the person who nominated the candidate.
Please note that required fields on this form are indicated by an asterisk (*).
* Nominee Name:
* Your First Name:
* Your Last Name:
* Your State:
* Your Phone Number:
* Your Email Address:
* Your Relationship to Nominee:
Please enter your letter of recommendation in the text area provided below:
Dear Jacob Bolotin Award Committee: I am so happy to share my experience with the NBBA (National Beep Baseball Association). I have been associated with the organization personally for over thirty years. I first became aware of the sport through John Parker, a natural therapeutic specialist doing business in Topeka, Kansas. I met John at Popeye's Gym and started going to him for massage treatments. He told me about Beep Baseball and how it had changed his life. I attended my first game in 1991 and was absolutely amazed at the athletes playing the game. They were running for the bases and diving for the beep ball as if they were sighted. Remember, they are blindfolded and rely on sounds to make their plays in the game. It was incredible to watch. Then in 2004 I introduced John to Peter Cancro, owner of the Jersey Mike's franchise. Peter wanted to help and has been sending sandwiches, chips and drinks to all of the Beep Baseball World Series games. It feeds all the players and their families one night during the series every year that they have the series in a location where there is a Jersey Mike's. This program is so important in that it gives blind athletes an opportunity to participate in team sports. We all know that exercise is good for the body and soul! Please consider awarding NBBA the Jacob Bolotin Award allowing them to continue growing the programs that enable the blind and visually impaired. Thank you, Keith Hertling Senior Vice President Leadership and Culture Jersey Mike's
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