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The Dr. Jacob Bolotin Award
Letter of Recommendation Form
Thank you for your support of the Dr. Jacob Bolotin Awards program.
Please complete the form below to submit your letter of recommendation in support of the award nominee. Recommendations cannot exceed 800 words. You will not be able to submit your recommendation if the maximum word count exceeds 800 words.
Please note that recommendations should come from someone other than the person who nominated the candidate.
Please note that required fields on this form are indicated by an asterisk (*).
* Nominee Name:
* Your First Name:
* Your Last Name:
* Your State:
* Your Phone Number:
* Your Email Address:
* Your Relationship to Nominee:
Please enter your letter of recommendation in the text area provided below:
Dear National Federation of the Blind, I am writing to express my wholehearted support for Tina Herzberg, Susan Osterhaus, Sara Larkin, and Penny Rosenblum as candidates for the Dr. Jacob Bolotin Award. They have consistently demonstrated exceptional dedication, leadership, and achievement to the learning and teaching of the Nemeth Code within UEB contexts. The text they created is an extremely important asset to college professors, as there are very few resources available to us to teach this topic to preservice teachers of the visually impaired. These four individuals are consistently going above and beyond to create accessible materials for all students for the Nemeth coursework. Their commitment to excellence and diligence in creating a consistent pathway for learning the Nemeth Code sets them apart and makes them highly deserving of this recognition. They developed this text as all texts should be: With all users in mind. It is 100% accessible to students in my program, regardless of their reading medium. Moreover, Tina Herzberg, Susan Osterhaus, Sara Larkin, and Penny Rosenblum embody the values and spirit of the Dr. Jacob Bolotin Award, changing the negative perceptions of learning the additional math code, and their efforts have made a significant positive impact on students in the teaching training program at Florida State University. I have used this material for several semesters and am very grateful for its existence as there is no better text currently available to teach this subject matter. The use of this text allows me to focus my time on teaching the content, rather than creating materials to use to teach the content. Thank you for considering Tina Herzberg, Susan Osterhaus, Sara Larkin, and Penny Rosenblum for this prestigious award. If you require any further information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Martin Monson, Ed.D. Adjunct Professor Florida State University
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