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The Dr. Jacob Bolotin Award
Letter of Recommendation Form
Thank you for your support of the Dr. Jacob Bolotin Awards program.
Please complete the form below to submit your letter of recommendation in support of the award nominee. Recommendations cannot exceed 800 words. You will not be able to submit your recommendation if the maximum word count exceeds 800 words.
Please note that recommendations should come from someone other than the person who nominated the candidate.
Please note that required fields on this form are indicated by an asterisk (*).
* Nominee Name:
* Your First Name:
* Your Last Name:
* Your State:
* Your Phone Number:
* Your Email Address:
* Your Relationship to Nominee:
Please enter your letter of recommendation in the text area provided below:
Re: Dr. Jacob Bolotin Awards To Whom It May Concern: It is my pleasure to submit this letter to recommend Tina Herzberg, Susan Osterhaus, Sara Larkin, and L. Penny Rosenblum for consideration for the 2024 Dr. Jacob Bolotin Awards. They are the authors of Learning and Teaching the Nemeth Code within UEB Contexts: A Step- by-Step Guide. This guide was used as a part of my teacher preparation program for my credential to teach students who are blind and visually impaired. It was essential in my education of the Nemeth code. I believe that the work of these educators exemplifies NFB’s mission, as they have each demonstrated a desire to help blind people live the lives they want. They have shown an innovative way of teaching the Nemeth code and have helped prepare many teachers of the visually impaired (TVIs) to teach their own students. Teaching our students the code allows us to assist our students in accessing their education and preparing for their future success. I highly recommend these individuals for this award. If you need additional information, please email me at liz.southern@beyondblindness.org or call me at 214-952-5288. Sincerely, Liz Southern TVI NFB Teacher of Tomorrow (22-23 cohort)
To avoid multiple recommendation submissions, please click submit one time only.
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